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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2016, Page No: 25-30

Voice based e-mail System for Blinds

Pranjal Ingle1, Harshada Kanade1, Arti Lanke1

1.Department of Computer Science Engineering K. C. College of Engineering and Management Studies and Research, Thane (E), India.

Citation : Pranjal Ingle,Harshada Kanade,Arti Lanke, Voice based e-mail System for Blinds International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2016, 3(1) : 25-30


Internet has become one of the basic amenities for day-to-day living. Every human being is widely accessing the knowledge and information through internet. However, blind people face difficulties in accessing these text materials, also in using any service provided through internet. The advancement in computer based accessible systems has opened up many avenues for the visually impaired across the globe in a wide way. Audio feedback based virtual environment like, the screen readers have helped Blind people to access internet applications immensely. We describe the Voicemail system architecture that can be used by a Blind person to access e-Mails easily and efficiently. The contribution made by this research has enabled the Blind people to send and receive voice based e-Mail messages in their native language with the help of a computer.

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