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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 8, 2015, Page No: 16-14

Application of FEM in the Fluid Flow in the Pipeline

Helena Kravarikova

Faculty of materials science and technology in Trnava, Slovak university of technology in Bratislava, Paulinska 16, 917 24 Trnava, Slovakia.

Citation : Helena Kravarikova, Application of FEM in the Fluid Flow in the Pipeline International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(8) : 16-24


Fluid flow conduit is a very complex one-dimensional motion of a viscous liquid. This movement cannot be generally analytically solved on the basis of currently available physical evidence. Some mathematical calculations are too complex, sometimes intractable. Hence the need for the development of numerical methods that are able to analytically solve intractable problems. Currently, the most commonly employed method is the finite element method (FEM). An integral part in various areas of research and development is the use of numerical simulations using FEM. Troubleshooting can be further examined from different perspectives using numerical simulations. With the rapid development of computer technology, numerical analyzes using FEM can process much faster, more precise monitoring of the examined parameters with the possibility of alternative solutions. Using mathematical models can describe the behavior of liquids in the process flow or in relative peace. The result of FEM application on fluid flow in a piping system analysis is obtained from the solution of the problems of numerical simulation using ANSYS. The paper is focused on the implementation of numerical fluid flow process in the application of technical devices to solve real problems.

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