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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 6, 2015, Page No: 27-32

Encryption Based Framework for Cloud Databases Using AES algorithm

R. Ganga Sagar1, N. Ashok Kumar2

1.PG Scholar (CSE), Narayana Engineering College, Nellore.
2.M.Tech., Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Narayana Engineering College, Nellore.

Citation : R. Ganga Sagar, N. Ashok Kumar, Encryption Based Framework for Cloud Databases Using AES algorithm International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(6) : 27-32


A Cloud database management system is a distributed database that delivers computing as a service (Caas)instead of a product. Improving confidentiality of information stored in cloud database .It is very important contribution to cloud database. Data encryption is the optimum solution for achieving confidentiality. In some normal methods, encrypt the whole database through some standard encryption algorithm that do not allow in sql database operations directly on the cloud. This formal solution affected by workload and cost would make the cloud database service inconvenient. We propose a novel architecture for adaptive encryption of public cloud database. Adaptive encryptionallow any sql operation over encrypted data. The novel cloud database architecture that uses adaptive encryption technique with no intermediate servers. This scheme provides cloud provider with the best level of confidentiality for any database workload. We can determine the encryption and adaptive encryption cost of data confidentiality from the research point of view. Index Terms Adaptive Encryption Technique, AES(Advanced Encryption Standard), Metadata.

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