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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 6, 2015, Page No: 6-15

Determining the Appropriate Thresholds for P2P Content File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs

M.Suresh1, D.Venkatesh2, J.Raghunath2

1. M.Tech Student, Dept of CSE, GATES Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh,India.
2.Associate Professor in CSE, GATES Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh,India.

Citation : M.Suresh, D.Venkatesh, J.Raghunath, Determining the Appropriate Thresholds for P2P Content File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(6) : 6-15


Peer 2 Peer over MANETs is the largely popular used pattern of file sharing within MANETs. P2P system is started in the middle of 1990s. P2P system is deployed on the Internet which is formed by creating an overlay network. P2P overlay consists of upper-layer connections among nodes, or peers, which are selfdetermining of the underlay or substrate network, abstract peer's view of the connections that make up the network. The communication among peers usually appears at network and application level. In general, a P2P file sharing system mostly consists two parts: search algorithm and a file transfer protocol. File transfer protocol is dependable to downloading files by use of TCP connection. While search algorithm is dependable for transmitting query messages and searching results. In the existing system a P2P content file sharing in MANETs based on a social network is proposed. For capable file sharing the existing system considers both node interest and contact frequency. The existing system has four key components: interest extraction, community construction, node role assignment and interest oriented file searching scheme for capable file sharing. In the proposed system it will aim to find out appropriate thresholds in the P2P file sharing systems. It also improves the capability of the file sharing in the disconnected networks. Further, the proposed system will relate the SPOON algorithm to larger mobile ad hoc networks to monitor the content based file sharing efficiency.

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