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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 99-101

Performance Evaluation of Queue Based Job Sheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing

Suneetha Davuluri1, Lanka Kawitha2

1.Research Scholar in computer Science,KrishnaUniversity.
2.Assistant Professor in Computer Science NRI Institute of Technology.

Citation : Suneetha Davuluri, Lanka Kawitha, Performance Evaluation of Queue Based Job Sheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(3) : 99-101


The job scheduling is to allocate certain jobs to particular resources in a particular amount of time. The job scheduling is to achieve a high performance computing and the best system throughput. In cloud computing there are many jobs requires to be executed by the available resources to achieve best performance ,minimal total time for completion ,shortest response time, utilization of resource usage etc. Because of these different objectives and high performance of computing environment we need to design, develop, propose a scheduling algorithm to outperform appropriate allocation map of jobs due to different factors. This paper is showing results on the basis of number of parameters for organizing the number of different jobs, to identify job completion times on current resource provision. And to adopt a dynamic algorithm for VM scaling. To evaluate results CLOUDSIM is simulator is used.

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