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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 6-8

A Survey on Information Modeling and with Multimedia Mining Databases

P. Suresh

Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Krishna University, Machilipatnam

Citation : P. Suresh, A Survey on Information Modeling and with Multimedia Mining Databases International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(3) : 6-8


Information Models can be regarded as data models combined with process models. These models describe data as well as activities. Multimedia database capture the complex data type and all the relationships. Query Processing strategies have to be adapted to handle mining queries if there is a tight integration between the data mining and the database system. The architecture of Query Processing System consists of a query parser, a logical planner, a physical plan generator and an evaluation engine. The technological point of view, the centralization of objects and components describe the various learning scenarios within multimedia databases. Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram describe and supports the Information model and with collaborative learning scenarios activities. When interpreted by humans, a database may be viewed as a set of related facts - an information base. I survey this paper and I am analyzing the review of information model with Query processing and supporting MM-DBMS and with relational databases.

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