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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 49-52

ICTS in Teacher Education: Challenges and Remedies

Pavan MNV

M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed., APSET, UGC-NET Department of Education, Telangana University, Nizamabad (T.S.).

Citation : Pavan MNV, ICTS in Teacher Education: Challenges and Remedies International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(3) : 49-52


Globalization and privatization have thrown up new challenges before educational planners. It is very important for qualitative improvement of education to prepare competent teachers. In order to ensure production of right type of teachers a sound program of professional preparation of teachers is essential; for this purpose we need to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in teacher education programmes. One of the major shortcomings among others in the present courses is that the teacher-trainees do not get proper training in the use of ICTs. The teacher-educators themselves do not possess the necessary ICT skills. The author in this article avers that bulk of the faculty currently engaged in teacher preparation is neither prepared to use technologies (ICTs) not has it updated its knowledge on technological developments.

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