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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 13-17

Vendor Lock in Winds Relocation to Meta Cloud

Ravi Kumar.K, K. Bheemalingappa1

1.PG Scholar, CSE, BITS, AP, India.
2.Assistant Professor, CSE, BITS, AP, India.

Citation : Ravi Kumar.K, K. Bheemalingappa, Vendor Lock in Winds Relocation to Meta Cloud International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2015, 2(1) : 13-17


The emergence of more and more cloud offerings from a multitude of service providers calls for a meta cloud, which smoothens the jagged cloud landscape. We discuss our proposal for such a meta cloud, and explain how it solves the lock-in problems that current users of public and hybrid clouds face. The cloud computing pattern has gained widespread adoption in recent years. It was success due to large to customers' ability to utilize the responsibilities as per requirement with a pay-as-you go worth model, which has confirmed as acceptable in many aspects. Less expenditure and max flexibility make progress around to the cloud convincing. In spite of its obvious flexibilities, though, a lot companies pause to shift to the cloud mostly cause of concerns associated to service accessibility, data lock-in, and legal doubts.

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