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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 10-18

Fuzzy Logic Sequence Control for Batch Sugar Centrifugal Machines

Dr. Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda1, Dr. Fath Elrahman Ismael1

1.Sudan University of science and technology, College of Engineering, School of Electronics.

Citation : Dr. Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda, Dr. Fath Elrahman Ismael, Fuzzy Logic Sequence Control for Batch Sugar Centrifugal Machines International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(4) : 10-18


This paper is proposing a solution to the rapid oscillation of the current which happened due to the cyclic operation of the batch sugar centrifugal machines. The current oscillation affects the stability of electrical generation produce by steam turbine alternators at Factory. The proposed solution focuses on sequencing these machines. Fuzzy logic control and Matlab Simulink are used to design a model of three batch sugar machines, the real time data is taken from Broadbent C46M batch centrifuge. Organizing the operation of these machines with sequence control is done by selecting the suitable delay time between machines. Two parameters in fuzzy logic control are used to obtain the desired delay time, the first parameter depends on the previous machine spinning time duration and the second depends on the time between the previous machine permission times to the current machine requesting permission from sequence control. When the default values of feed time, spin time & plough time are taken equal to (20s, 40s & 20s) respectively to and be identical for three machines, the total current oscillation has been minimized to 43.75% (compared with peak oscillation of only one machine) and in repeated form, and the total current of the three machines is being less than the current of one machine. And in other cases when these parameters has different values the sequence control program also regulate the operation of the machines and the total current will not exceed the current taken by one machine.

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