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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Page No: 57-64

Overcoming Ambiguity Concerns and Coarseness Evaluation with XML Keyword Search

K.Sampth kumar1, M.A. Jabber2, Mayank Sharma3

1.M.Tech Student/Department of CSE Aurora's Engineering College Bongiri, nalgonda, India.
2.Associate professor/Department of CSE Aurora's Engineering College Bongiri, nalgonda, India.
3.HOD/Department of CSE Aurora's Engineering College Bongiri, nalgonda, India.

Citation : K.Sampth kumar, M.A. Jabber, Mayank Sharma, Overcoming Ambiguity Concerns and Coarseness Evaluation with XML Keyword Search International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(1) : 57-64


An XML search engine XSearch that addresses an open drawback in XML keyword search: given relevant matches to keywords, the way to compose question results properly in order that they will be effectively ranked and simply digested by users. The approaches adopted within the literature generate either overwhelmingly giant results or fragmentary results, each of which can cause the ranking schemes to be ineffective. Intuitively, every question features a search target and every result ought to contain precisely one instance of the search target together with its proof. We have a tendency to developed XSearch that composes atomic and intact question results driven by users' search targets.

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