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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 12-21

How to Submit for the World Heritage List: A Case of St. Pierre Church of Antakya Considering the Perceptions of Tourist Guides

Dr.Erkan Sezgin1*, Melik Onur Guzel (MSc)2

1.Associate Professor Anadolu University, Turkey
2.Candidate PhD, Anadolu University, Turkey

Citation : Dr.Erkan Sezgin, Melik Onur Guzel, How to Submit for the World Heritage List: A Case of St. Pierre Church of Antakya Considering the Perceptions of Tourist Guides International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2018, 4(4) : 12-21


The Cultural Heritage List, which has an important branding effect in the cultural tourism market, was presented to the world by UNESCO in 1972. The Cultural Heritage List consists of tangible and intangible heritage categories. The World Heritage List, which is also known as, has 10 criteria and candidates are expected to encounter at least one title to be included in the system.

The subject of this particular study is Antakya St. Pierre Church. The application for The World Heritage Site was made in 2011 for citing two of the criteria (third and sixth criteria), and since then the church is in the tentative list of World Heritage. In this research, it is claimed that the second criterion of UNESCO should also have been added while submission.

The main objective of the present study is to identify whether St. Pierre Church of Antakya has already deserved to be listed in the World Heritage Site. It was also aimed in the study that St. Pierre Church could be a model for buildings with strong religion effect in any part of the world. Accordingly, out of the mentioned three criteria of the World Heritage List for Antakya St. Pierre Church, a scale was developed and applied to tourist guides. The results reveal significances when the perceptions of tourist guides are considered.

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