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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 23-32

The Tourism Resources of Falgore Game Reserve, Kano State, Nigeria

Gontul T. K.3, Iirmdu T. O.1*, Garba I.2, Timchang N. M1, Kassam I. G.3, Aliba V. N4

1.Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Jos
2.National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), NDHQ Abuja, (Kano Office).
3.Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Plateau State Polytechnic, BarkinLadi
4.Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Federal University Wukari, Taraba state, Nigeria.

Citation : Gontul T. K.,, The Tourism Resources of Falgore Game Reserve, Kano State, Nigeria International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2018, 4(3) : 23-32


Falgore game reserve is a protected area in Kano State, Nigeria established mainly for conservation, tourism and recreation. The aim of this study is to take inventory of all the tourism resources (attraction/potentials) of the game reserve. Data were collected through the use of observation, interview, and questionnaire. The researchers used purposive sampling technique in the data collection. Findings show that the Falgore game reserve initially had very rich tourism opportunities, but it was noted that later-on most of the tourism opportunities were not either maximally utilized or not even tapped at all. The study unveiled that some of the support facilities provided in the reserve are presently in a very serious dilapidated conditions and have long been abandoned and are just fallowing which have resulted in decline in the patronage of the game reserve in the recent times. In conclusion ,there is an on-going wide range of encroachment activities in the game reserve including illegal grazing, farming, bush burning, illegal settlement, poaching/hunting, wood extraction for fuel and timber among others abuses. The researchers recommend that measures that can revitalize the game reserve once again for sustainable ecological systems and efficient tourism consumption be put in place.

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