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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 48-55

Innovation as a Source of Competitive Advantage in Human Resource Management: Case of Travel Agencies in the UAE

Dr. Almaz Sandybayev* (ADMC), Dr. Roudaina Houjeir (ADMC)

Assistant Prof., Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi Men's College, Faculty of Business, United Arab Emirates.

Citation :Dr. Almaz Sandybayev (ADMC), Dr. Roudaina Houjeir (ADMC). "Innovation as a Source of Competitive Advantage in Human Resource Management: Case of Travel Agencies in the UAE". International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2018, 4(2) : 48-55.


This research presents an overview of issues related to the role of human resources in creating innovation in tourism enterprises in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi's leading travel companies and agencies in tourism been selected to identify the increasing role of SHRM and most importantly innovative activities in the researched entities. Following previous years, February 2018 has been announced as a month of innovations, where innovation was getting a widespread meaning and a tool of creativity and design thinking in all organizations and companies across the UAE.

Thus, the research tries to validate the main hypothesis that SHRM practices positively relate to innovation and knowledge performance factors. The article aims to understand the indicated factors as main drivers of innovation and its impact on human resources. The proposed model theorizes a significant correlation between variables that remains between SHRM processes and companies overall 'innovation factor' performance in tourism sector. Further, it is becoming essential to reconsider the management approach in tourism field to discover new methods attributed to employees in finding innovative and creative solutions.

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