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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 27-32

The Impact of Street and Food Festivals in Gastronomic Tourism through Visitor's Emotions and Satisfaction. A Case of Abu Dhabi Food Festival

Dr. Almaz Sandybayev

Assistant Prof., Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi Men's College, Faculty of Business, United Arab Emirates.

Citation :Almaz Sandybayev, The Impact of Street and Food Festivals in Gastronomic Tourism through Visitor's Emotions and Satisfaction. A Case of Abu Dhabi Food Festival International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2018, 4(1) : 27-32


Gastronomic tourism is a new trend in the development of world tourism which may serve as a fuel for development of economy, cultural heritage and sustainable tourism growth. The research paper aims to analyze the impacts of street food festivals by exemplifying the role of visitors through emotions and satisfaction factors. The study has been focused on food truck festival in Abu Dhabi (the United Arab Emirates) in March-April 2017 that attracted over 150 vendors - food tents, food trucks and local businesses. 320 random participants have been assessed through a questionnaire during one week to test how location and satisfaction impacts on them. The results implication proved that satisfaction positively impacts on visitor's behaviors and behavioral intention. Every gastronomic and culinary experience is a memory of the destination, every smell and taste strengthens and restores memories of the place. Consequently, food and location are linked together, forming the basis that is included in the modern development of the economy of impressions and gives the opportunity to see a new version of the use of environment.

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