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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 16-24

Cave Tourism and its Implications to Tourism Development in Nigeria: A Case Study of Agu-Owuru Cave in Ezeagu

Emeka E.Okonkwo,Ezekaka Afoma,Igwemadu Martha

1.Department of Archaeology and Tourism, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Citation :Emeka E.Okonkwo,Ezekaka Afoma,Igwemadu Martha, Cave Tourism and its Implications to Tourism Development in Nigeria: A Case Study of Agu-Owuru Cave in Ezeagu International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality 2017,3(3) : 16-24


Caves are natural resources that are valued to tourists because of its inherent natural features. This form of tourism attractions are being developed around the world primarily as a tool for the development of local and regional communities for income generation. Tourists are motivated to visit caves for adventures, education/research, socialization, recreation, and scientific purposes. Caves are very important to tourism if properly harnessed as it will improve the social and economic well being of the host community and also in conservation of the biodiversity and the environment. This paper examines the implication of cave to geotourism development in Nigeria with emphasis on Agu-Owuru cave in Ezeagu. The study uses ethnographic research method to elicit useful data and analyse them descriptively. Through the use of SWOT analysis, the paper proffers sustainable way of harnessing Agu-Owuru cave for geotourism development. The paper argues that if the studied cave is developed for tourism purposes, it will create job opportunities, improve the living standard of host community, and create avenues where economic goods will be captured as well as infrastructural development.

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