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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 20-26

Perceived Benefits of Adopting Sustainable Tourism Business Practices: A View from Guest Houses in the Eden District Municipality

Dr T. Ramukumba, Prof IW Ferreira

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, Department of Tourism. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Copyright :Dr T. Ramukumba, Prof IW Ferreira, Perceived Benefits of Adopting Sustainable Tourism Business Practices: A View from Guest Houses in the Eden District Municipality International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality


Companies that want to stay competitive in the future must integrate sustainability practices into their business strategies. Competitiveness and sustainability are important to the survival of the company, and thus companies must view the call to sustainability as a strategic opportunity rather than as a restriction to creating value.

This article presents the results of an investigation into the perceived benefits of adopting and implementing sustainable business practices by guest houses in the Eden District Municipality (EDM). The main objective of the study was to investigate what potential benefits guest houses are seeking to gain by adopting these sustainable tourism practices. The research used a quantitative methodology using a questionnaire as a survey instrument. Of the 250 guest houses listed in the EDM database, 128 (51.2%) agreed to participate. The main findings of the study indicate that guest houses indeed seek various benefits in adopting and implementing sustainable tourism business practices. Rather surprisingly, the findings of the study infer that the benefits of 'sustainable tourism practices' as perceived by the guest house owners, managers and locums in the sample were related to non-economic benefits. This is confirmed by 56.3% of respondents who stated that they adopt and implement sustainable tourism practices for the benefit of environmental protection. The results show a positive trend towards attaining sustainability in the tourism industry by accommodation providers which augers well for the future of the industry.

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