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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 1-4

Prospects and Challenges of Yoga Tourism in India and Abroad

Dr. Vijay Kumar

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tourism, Hotel, Hospitality and Heritage Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi 110025, India

Copyright :Dr. Vijay Kumar, Prospects and Challenges of Yoga Tourism in India and Abroad International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality


Yoga tourism has witnessed a secure growth in recent years around the world. As the number of the world's population is becoming more aware of health care options, along with an increase in the quality of health care as a priority in the minds of most age groups, patients are required to carry out cross-border healthcare.

The main reasons why yoga tourism facilities are of high quality specialized treatment, the possibility of immediate service for travel combined with affordability. In regions where the quality of care is not available, access to health care can lead to medical travel, for others, cost effectiveness could be the reason.India has become one of the most sought after destination for medical tourism worldwide due to its high value proposition in terms of quality of health care, a pool of professionals and the availability of alternative treatments, such as Ayurveda and yoga.
However, there are several areas in tourism, which entered the field of research only recently. Yoga tourism is one such area, where only a few scientists began to work in a systematic way. The article highlights the emergence of a spiritual tourist-oriented research and explores the potential to further work in the study oftourism.

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