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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 9-20

The Romantic Frame of Touristic Culture

Jose Manuel Figueiredo Santos

PhD in Sociology of Culture ESGHT - Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Copyright :Jose Manuel Figueiredo Santos , The Romantic Frame of Touristic Culture International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality


This essay justifies its usefulness in the search for the Romantic movement contributions to a structured understanding of tourism, on the assumption that it is in historically built forms of the spatiotemporal imaginary that are found under rejuvenated forms, many of the old assumptions that incorporate contemporary tourism.

In terms of methodology, this narrative is permeated by a historical meta-speech of phenomenological influence that had as sources a huge documental mass collected by the author within his doctoral thesis, finding in the romantic historiography a field of exceptional potential to test the heuristic resources and the explanatory possibilities of some contemporary tourism stylizations, associated with tourist use of cultural heritage.
In fact, the emergence and edification of tourism, by being pierced by an historical seminal influence of Romantic culture makes it necessary to address the characterization of some of its essential features. We do not seek to question their enigmas or its "coincidentia oppositorum nature" (Lowy 1995: 9), but some fundamental drifts such as: a specific aesthetic sensibility of the cult of strong emotions, and utopian projections of a world of beauty created by imagination, the regenerating momentum of the past, as an operator of the inspirational mysticism and taste. In them, we deposit the purpose of extracting the elements of romantic mythography,involved in the shaping of contemporary tourist experience, help the tourist agents realize as a deeper knowledge of these elements could lead to an enhancing source for their practices in present times.

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