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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 1-11

Community Based Organisations in Environment Conservation Endeavours in Rwanda

Dr. Isaboke Peter Kennedy Nyataya*, PhD

Senior Lecturer Cum Director of Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies-Rwanda.

Citation : Isaboke Peter Kennedy Nyataya, Community Based Organisations in Environment Conservation Endeavours in RwandaInternational Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 5(1) : 1-11.


The present study was conducted with a view to understanding the contribution of community based organisations towards conservation of environment in Rwanda, with Sabyinyo Community Livelihood Association (SACOLA) of Kinigi Sector, Musanze District. Descriptive research cum case study research designs were adopted for the study. The target population was 800 comprising SACOLA community members. The representative sample size was represented by 10% (80) of the target population and purposive sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents for the study. Primary data was collected from the respondents through the use of questionnaires whereas secondary data was collected through the use of content analysis method. The obtained data was presented in forms of tables, figures, graphs, pie charts, percentages, and averages and analysed through the use of SPSS - Version 21. Findings of the study indicate that SACOLA conducted moblisation activities with the aim of sensitising, training and educating communities in the selected area of the present study and its environs on the importance of environment conservation besides creating awareness regarding causes that were related to the mission and vision of the organisation. SACOLA help in the implementation of environment conservation practices by ensuring that natural resources in the area were well utilised, firms adhered to environment conservation measures and through partnerships with other governmental conservation agencies. SACOLAs projects were well planned and executed. There were negative correlations between SACOLA's roles: community mobilisation efforts; implementation of environmental conservation practices and monitoring and evaluation and environmental conservation indicators in Kinigi Sector. The study recommends that SACOLA should find appropriate and applicable ways of ensuring socioeconomic growth among its member and directed its energy towards the formation of self-help groups which could then help in adding value to the endeavours directed towards conservation of environment.

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