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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 67-79

Anthropo-Social Impact of Oral Hygiene on People in Rural Areas of Rwanda: Case of Nyamabuye Sector, Muhanga District, 2015-2017

Father Dr Hakizimana Lucien1*, Ukobizaba Pierre Celestin1, Dusabeyezu Marie Gorette1, Bandushimari Vestine1

1.University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), Rwanda

Citation : Father Dr Hakizimana Lucien,, Anthropo-Social Impact of Oral Hygiene on People in Rural Areas of Rwanda: Case of Nyamabuye Sector, Muhanga District, 2015-2017 International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 4(3) : 67-79


This research entitled "Anthropo-social impact of oral hygiene on people in rural areas of Rwanda: Case of Nyamabuye Sector, Muhanga District, from 2015 to 2017", highlights how oral hygiene plays a big role in providing quality of life to people with oral diseases in Nyamabuye Sector.

This research intended to investigate problems aiming at achieving following objectives: to assess indicators of oral hygiene among people in Nyamabuye Sector, to examine impacts of oral health on people in Nyamabuye Sector and to identify the preventive strategies of oral health care among people in Nyamabuye Sector.

This research to be successful, different methods and techniques were used. As methods we sorted to analytical and exploratory methods. As techniques, we used the interview and questionnaire. The data have been collected and interpreted basing on quantitative and qualitative approaches. As results of our research, concerning diseases that affect oral health, 77 % of respondents are infected by dental caries, 21 % of respondents show periodontal diseases while 2% of respondents demonstrate oral cancer.

According to indicators of oral health in anthropo-social development in Nyamabuye Sector, 100% of respondents demonstrate the impacts of oral hygiene on daily life activities and anthropo-social economic benefits while 66% of respondents demonstrate environmental impacts of oral hygiene.

According to the impacts of oral hygiene in rural area, 100% showed quality of life and 75% showed a good health status based on oral hygiene while 66% of respondents confirmed oral health wellbeing.

As shown by different respondents 100% of respondents confirmed the necessity of oral diseases prevention by brushing regularly their teeth and diseases control, 98% of respondents showed provision of dental services while 75% confirmed food and beverages control.

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