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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 17-30

Campus Adaptations among First Generation and Non First-Generation Students

Dr.Vijayalakshmi N.S1*, Dr. A.H Sequeira2

1.Faculty, Post graduate Department of Economics, University college mangalore, hampankatta, Mangalore - 575001, karnataka
2Professor & Dean Faculty welfare, School of Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka,Surathkal - Mangalore 575025

Citation : Dr.Vijayalakshmi N.S,Dr.A.H Sequeira, Campus Adaptations among First Generation and Non First-Generation Students International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 4(2) : 17-30


Objective: The study aims to empirically test the relationship between types of campus adaptations across first to fifth generation of engineering undergraduate B.Tech students pursuing a four year study at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT's) and National Institute of Technology (NIT's) in India.

Method: The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (Manova) test was run with SPSS vs. 21 to compare the student's campus adaptations of IIT's and NIT's by generation status of first generation (n = 956), second generation (n =338) , third generation (n = 103), fourth generation (n = 14) and fifth generation (n = 09). Multistage random sampling with n = 1420 students were selected.

Result: In academic adaptation, second and third generation students had positive outcomes while first, fourth and fifth generation had negative outcomes. In social adaptation, first, third and fifth generation students had positive outcomes while second and fourth generation students had negative outcomes. In physical - psychological adaptation, the first, third and fourth generation students had positive outcomes while the second and fifth generation students had negative outcomes. In institutional adaptation second, third, fourth and fifth generation students had positive outcomes while first generation students had negative outcomes.

Conclusions: There are significant differences among student generation from first to fifth on different forms of campus adaptations. In short, campus adaptations do vary across generation status influencing student's experiences at university

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