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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 16-23

Entrepreneurship as a Key to Anthropo-Social and Economic Development in Rwanda: Case of Young Female Sex Workers Assisted by PCLS in Byumba City, Byumba Sector in Gicumbi District (2016-2017)

Father Dr.Lucien HAKIZIMANA1,Alexandre NTEZIMANA1,Marthe UWINGENZI1

1.University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), Rwanda.

Citation :Father Dr.Lucien HAKIZIMANA,Alexandre NTEZIMANA,Marthe UWINGENZI, Entrepreneurship as a Key to Anthropo-Social and Economic Development in Rwanda: Case of Young Female Sex Workers Assisted by PCLS in Byumba City, Byumba Sector in Gicumbi District (2016-2017) International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 4(1) : 16-23


Prostitution of young female fueled by poverty is a crucial problem which affects their anthroposocial and economic development. Young female sex workers from Byumba city face many problems. To overcome these problems, PCLS started a project to enhance entrepreneurship skills of young female sex workers from Byumba city. This study is entitled "entrepreneurship as a key to anthropo-social and economic development, case of young female sex workers assisted by PCLS in Byumba city, Byumba sector in Gicumbi district (2016-2017). Its objective is to point out the contribution of entrepreneurship to the anthropo-social and economic development of YFSW.

In carrying out this study, the researchers have used qualitative, quantitative methods. To collect data, researchers used techniques which include questionnaire, interview, observation and documentation. The sample size was composed by 57 respondents selected randomly from 192 young female sex workers from Byumba city assisted by PCLS and researchers added 4 interviewees composed by one (1) in charge of social affairs of Byumba Sector, and three (3) PCLS staff.

Findings show that PCLS provided assistance to YFSW which include training (100%), creation and implementation of GSLA system (100%) counseling which helped beneficiaries to cope with psychosocial problems (100%); creation of HR groups (100%), while community mobilization activities represent 100%. Other assistance included advocacy and network with other stakeholders on how they could found other support (100%), regular visits (100%) and legal assistance (59.6%).

As results, young female sex workers entrepreneurs (100%) acquired the capacity for self paying Mutual Health Insurance and (100%) said that they were no more isolated for having adhered in associations and clubs. In addition, (86.0%) said that they can rent business and resident houses, whereas 26.3% they are paying their schools fees in VTCs.

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