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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 1-9

Mobile Banking Services Empowering Youth in Rwanda: A Case of Gisenyi Sector of Rubavu District

Dr. Isaboke Peter Kennedy Nyataya1,Ukwimanishaka Celine2

1. Senior Lecturer and Director of Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, University of Tourism,Technology and Business Studies-Rwanda.
2. University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies-Rwand.

Citation : Isaboke Peter Kennedy Nyataya,Mobile Banking Services Empowering Youth in Rwanda: A Case of Gisenyi Sector of Rubavu District International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology, 2017;3(4):1-9.


The study present study is entitled: "Mobile Banking Services Empowering Youth in Rwanda: A Case of Gisenyi Sector of Rubavu District". The study aimed at assessing how mobile banking services are empowering youth in the selected area for the study. Further, it was not only intended to find out the services offered to the youth pursuing business in the area through the facilitation of mobile banking services but also to analyse challenges faced by youth in business in Gisenyi Sector while making use of mobile banking services. Case study research design was adopted for the study. Data was obtained from both primary and secondary sources which included the use of questionnaire and observation methods, besides, the review of existing and available documents related to the present issue. The target population was 9022 comprising self employed youth in the selected Sector. The representative sample size of the study was 99 respondents consisting of the self employed youth in Gisenyi Sector acquiring mobile banking services and Mtn mobile money, Tigo cash, Airtel money business operators and bank agents selected through the application of convenience sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The obtained data were analysed by use of tables, frequencies and percentages. The study found that youth in Gisenyi Sector, from the mobile banking among the services received included: making money deposits; withdrawing money; money transfers; purchase;account balance checking and bill payment. Further, it was found that mobile banking system has contributed significantly towards the youth business in Gisenyi Sector, for instance, according to the respondents of the study, it has improved the connectivity of business in remote areas; it has connected the youth in business with supplier; it is said to have reduced the risk of theft and frauds in businesses; it has increased the volume of trade per day and, too, it has enhanced working capital among the youth in business. The noted challenges faced by youth in business in Gisenyi Sector included network problems; privacy and security problem;high charges and barrier in withdrawing higher than a specific amount. Hence, the study conclusively states that mobile banking system has played a significant role towards the advancement of the youth in business in Gisenyi Sector. The researchers, therefore, recommend that Rwandan youth should be enabled to continue accessing mobile phones, so that, mobile banking services can be facilitated and hence, serve as alternative way to promote the youth in accessing financial services quickly and easily.

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