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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 1-5

Fatal Alcohol Poisonings and Gender Gap in Life Expectancy in Russia

Y. E. Razvodovsky

International Academy of Sobriety, Russia.

Citation : Y. E. Razvodovsky, Fatal Alcohol Poisonings and Gender Gap in Life Expectancy in Russia International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology, 2017;3(3):1-5.


The difference in life expectancy between males and females in Russia is unprecedently high compared with developed countries.

Objective: This paper was design to estimate the aggregate level effect of binge drinking on the gender gap in life expectancy in Russian.

Method: Trends in male fatal alcohol poisoning rate (as a proxy for binge drinking) and gender gap in life expectancy from 1965 to 2015 were analyzed employing a distributed lags analysis in order to asses bivariate relationship between the two time series.

Results: The results of the time series analysis suggest a positive relation between fatal alcohol poisonings and gender gap in life expectancy (r=0.85; SE=0.14).

Conclusions: The outcomes of this study provide indirect support for the hypothesis that binge drinking is a major contributor to the high gender gap in life expectancy and its dramatic fluctuations in Russia during the last few decades.

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