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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 18-22

Trajectory of Language Choices- from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to New Delhi, India: a Case Study

Maya Khemlani David

London School of Clinical Hypnosis, Former Professor (Sociolinguistics), University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Citation :Maya Khemlani David, Trajectory of Language Choices- from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to New Delhi, India: a Case StudyInternational Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology,2017;3(2):18-22.


Arranged marriages are the norm in traditional Indian families. With the Sindhi community such arranged marriages result at times with Sindhi brides being transplanted in new territories, having to learn new languages in order to communicate with interlocutors in the new setting. We investigate language choices of a Malaysian Sindhi woman who married an Indian Sindhi and settled down in New Delhi in an extended family system. What is the dominant language choice of a transplanted woman in her new family over a period of thirty years? Is it the heritage language, the local languages, or an international language? This research using both Fishman's domain concept for analysing language choice in a number of domains and retrospective data of discourse in a number of settings, will not only determine the dominant languages used but also interview the subject to determine reasons for the choice of the languages. In this way both an etic and emic perspective is provided in this study.

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