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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 37-44

Human Actions and Environmental Reactions: Deforestation in Gombe and Environs

Y.U.Ahmad1*,Yahaya I.1,Bilkisu Y.Ahmed1

Geography Department, Gombe State University, Gombe, Gombe State, (Nigeria).

Citation :Y.U.Ahmad,Yahaya I.,Bilkisu Y.Ahmed, Human Actions and Environmental Reactions: Deforestation in Gombe and Environs International Journal of Research in Geography 2018, 4(1) : 37-44


Deforestation refers to the depletion of three crown cover to less that 10% of its original state in any given area. When this happens, the damaging effect on the ecosystem can be enormous. The menace of deforestation in Gombe is the second major ecological problem after erosion that is threatening the area. This is so because majority of the populace resort to the utilization of woody biomass as a result of widespread poverty and also because of the over dependence on the sale of fuel wood as a means of livelihood. In addition the teeming population of the area depends on woodlands as their source of energy for cooking. As such hundreds of different tree species found in Dajin Akko and environs are completely cut down on a daily basis. The research discovered that over 35-40 loads of pick-up truck (locally known as Akori-kura) are being brought into the metropolis daily. The research focuses on the relationship between population increases due to state creation in 1996, and fuel wood price increase as a result of increased demand for fuel wood. The study shows that over 80-90% of households rely on fuel wood for cooking leading to serious environmental problems such as: loss of biodiversity, dusty weather conditions, threats to cultural survival of the populace and deforestation. The paper recommends that the natural ecosystem must be safeguarded through the provision of alternative sources of energy for cooking which are affordable and easy to use so as to reduce pressure on the cutting of trees. Legislation against anti-environmental activities such as the cutting down of trees, should be made by the state house of assembly and enforced through the use of forest guards. Similarly environmental education should be embarked upon by the traditional/religious leaders, mass media and the state government to educate the populace on the dangers of deforestation and the importance of conserving natural vegetation. Gombe State Environmental Protection Agency (GOSEPA) should go beyond town cleaning to enable it capture other environmental variables, such as afforestation exercise.

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