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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 1-8

Analysisng Lee's Hypotheses of Migration in the Context of Malabar Migration: A Case Study of Taliparamba Block, Kannur District

Surabhi Rani

Dept.of Geography, Kannur University Payyanur Campus, Edat. P.O ,Payyanur, Kannur, Kerala,India.

Citation :Surabhi Rani,Analysisng Lee's Hypotheses of Migration in the Context of Malabar Migration: A Case Study of Taliparamba Block, Kannur District International Journal of Research in Geography 2018,4(1) : 1-8


Human Migration is considered as one of the important demographic process which has manifold effect on the society as well as to the individuals, apart from the other population dynamics of fertility and mortality. Several approaches dealing with migration has evolved the concepts related to the push and pull factors causing migration. Malabar Migration is a historical phenomenon of internal migration, in which massive exodus took place in the vast jungles of Malabar concentrating with similar socio-cultural-economic group of people. Various factors related to social, cultural, demographical and economical aspects initiated the migration from erstwhile Travancore to erstwhile Malabar district. The present preliminary study tries to focus over such factors associated with Malabar Migration in Taliparamba block of Kannur district (Kerala).This study is based on the primary survey of the study area and further supplemented with other secondary materials.

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