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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 109-117

A Study on Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Rural Periodic Market Centres in Uttar Dinajpur District, West Bengal, India

Dr.Tamal Basu Roy,Prof.Ranjan Roy

1.Researcher, Department of Geography and Applied Geography, North Bengal University.
2.Department of Geography and Applied Geography, North Bengal University.

Citation :Tamal Basu Roy,Ranjan Roy, A Study on Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Rural Periodic Market Centres in Uttar Dinajpur District, West Bengal, India International Journal of Research in Geography 2017,3(4) : 109-117


The development of an area should be judged on the basis availability of services which ultimate would benefit the residents in terms of every aspect. It is the rural periodic market centres which are the authorized public gathering of rural as well as urban populace of the nearby area treated as a service centre and cater the services to its surroundings. But obviously as the periodic market held on periodic basis it is the periodicity of the market centre which bears some considerable impact in marketing transaction on that area. In addition the spatial distribution pattern also leaves the significance effect on the degree of convergence of participants on that area. Cut and throat of competition may arise due to clustering distribution of periodic markets or regular distribution of periodic markets compel some buyers or consumers to travel long distance and eventually disturb the attendants in the market centres. Short temporal spacing with more spatial distance may enhance the encouragement to attendants to attend the periodic markets. So, let better to integrate the periodic market system along the well through line of spatial and temporal aspects. A well integrated marketing system should follow the well defined path of 'Proximity in Place implied separation in time' the famous notion devised by Ferguland and Smith. Uttar Dinajpur district has an occupant of agrarian people who always has an intention to be engaged in agricultural production and disposal of the said produce in nearby or long distance periodic market centres. In this regard they have to be acknowledged about the schedule of periodic markets apart from the distance spacing of the market centres. The frequency of visit of that participant largely depends on the pattern of distribution of periodic markets in the district. The focus of the study is to highlight the nature of spatio-temporal aspects of periodic markets and necessity of well integrated marketing system in order to keep maintenance of threshold level and development of the region.

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