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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 1-9

Spatial Pattern of Micro-Political Analysis: A Study of MPTC Elections in Telangana State, India

Dr. Karunkar Virugu1, Dr. Ashok Kumar Lonavath2

1.Assistant Professor(c), Department of Geography, University College for Women, Hyderabad, India.
2.Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University College for Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad,India.

Citation :Karunkar Virugu, Ashok Kumar Lonavath, Spatial Pattern of Micro-Political Analysis: A Study of MPTC Elections in Telangana State, India International Journal of Research in Geography 2017,3(4) : 1-9


The developmental articulations across the spaces tend to produce differential political processes. Though this happens at the spatial aggregate i.e. at the level of socio-economic strata, the political process undergoes rapid changes. The inequalities among socio-economic groups may give rise to contestations in the public space. The differentiation of social groups is largely dependent on the economic conditions of the people, resource accessibility and cultural modernization. It is a fact that developmental articulation across social groups has given rise to different levels of consciousness. In the geographical literature, we tend to come across the studies related to age groups, occupational mobility, gender based studies, religion, ethnicity, caste etc., All such categories are merged into hegemonic and subaltern groups. The essence of such articulations centre around access to resources such as land, water, forest, institutions and public spaces. The electoral exercise will advance the democratic process and that will facilitate the public space for marginalized groups. However, the electoral practices resist the radical social transformation in the name of party organizations and state functioning. Infact, electoral process offers space for various problems confronted by the masses. Thus, it tends to give rise to different ideological persuasions, for which geographical space assumes centrality.

The research paper explores into regional, sub-regional and local spaces of Telangana. It examines the regional variations of political participation in Mandal Parishad Teritorial Constituency (MPTC) elections in 2001, 2006 and 2014. In Telangana, there were 5,425 MPTCs in 2001. The total number of MPTCs increased to 6,179 in 2006 with a growth rate of 13.90% from the preceding elections, and these were further increased to 6,475 in 2014. The growth rate is 4.79 from the preceding election of 2006 and has an overall growth rate of 19.35% from 2001 to 2014.

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