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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 1-11

Social Water Technologies: Brazilian Experience of Coexistence and Development in the Semi-Arid Region of Paraiba

Hermes Alves de Almeida, Maria do Socorro Barbosa de Moura, Maysa Porto Farias

State University of Paraiba Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil.

Copyright :Hermes Alves de Almeida, Maria do Socorro Barbosa de Moura, Maysa Porto Farias, Social Water Technologies: Brazilian Experience of Coexistence and Development in the Semi-Arid Region of Paraiba International Journal of Research in Geography ,2017;3(2):1-11.


Social water technologies are alternatives that allow to associate local productive, social and economic functions. The aim of this study was to study the potential of rainwater harvesting in the Cariri micro region of Paraiba, Brazil, and the use of these types of technologies as an alternative to coexistence in this semiarid region. The geographic cut of this micro region was constituted by the localities of Barra de Santana, Cabaceiras and Riacho de Santo Antonio. The rainfall data were provided by the Paraiba Water Management Executive Agency and analyzed using statistical criteria. The other data collections were done through crazy visits, application of questionnaires, interview and documentary, being analyzed through statistical criteria. The main results indicated that the pluvial regime is irregular and asymmetric, and therefore, the use of the median is recommended. The size of the cistern volume depends on the rainfall and catchment's area and therefore should not be fixed. Farmers say that social water technologies make it possible to increase the availability of water, with the same amount of rainfall, and are therefore viable alternatives for coexistence and rural development, since it makes possible the existence of productive activity and, consequently, income on the property.

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