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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 11-16

Economic Valuation of Spiritual Site: Case from Tapoban, Nepal

Amrit Sharma1, Ganesh Paudel2, Tej Kumar Shrestha3, Sushma Tripathi4

1Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Nepal.
2Department of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal.
3Lumbini Environmental Services Pvt. Ltd., Nepal.
4Freelancer Botanist, Nepal.

Citation : Tej Kumar Shrestha, Economic Valuation of Spiritual Site: Case from Tapoban, Nepal International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2019,5(1) : 11-16.


Forest has been valued through several perspectives. Although forest has immense spiritual value it is still being ignored by forest managers in forest management. Considering the novelty and necessity of evaluating environmental economics of forest spiritual sites in developing countries like Nepal, this study was focused on evaluation of willingness to pay (WTP) for spiritual sites as a case study, using Travel Cost Method. Altogether 45 respondents that visited Tapoban, commune and spiritual site of Kathmandu valley were randomly selected and collected primary data viz, the travel cost, time, activity cost, activity time and other expenses made by visitors. Data was analyzed by using standard statistical tools. The opportunity cost of the visitor was NRs 728.14 (1 US$ = NRs. 114.874). Around 66% of the respondents said that trees have positive role in meditation. Likewise, 52% respondents have spiritual purpose and other 47% respondents have recreation purpose to visit this site. Economic value of spiritual site was NRs.784.37 per hour that illustrates that visitors are highly willing to pay for spiritual site. It is suggested that spiritual valuation of forest is essential not only for decision-making but also for the plan and policy making for the optimum, wise and rational utilization of forest.

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