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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 1-12

Environmental Noise Implications of Quarrying at Buoho Township and Surrounding Communities in Ghana

Bannerman S. D.1, Osei E. M. Jnr2, Duker A. A.2, Yevugah L.L2*

1.Materials Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
2.Geomatic Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.

Citation : Bannerman S.D., Osei E.M.Jnr, Duker A.A., Yevugah L.L, Environmental Noise Implications of Quarrying at Buoho Township and Surrounding Communities in Ghana International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2018,4(3) : 1-12


Due to rapid urbanization and emergence of several quarrying companies and activities within Buoho township and surrounding communities, noise levels have exceeded prescribed limits. Generation of noise largely from incessant blasting activities has become a major environmental concern for residents living in close proximity to quarry sites. This study assesses the impact of blast and ambient noise levels and its environmental health implications on susceptible individuals within exposed communities. Field observations of blast and ambient noise levels at selected locations were measured using a sound level meter. Results from blast measurements indicated a decline in noise levels as distance increased from the blast point. The highest and lowest blast noise levels recorded were 121.2 dBA and 92.4 dBA at distances of 203 m and 1340 m respectively. A comprehensive Social Impact Assessment (SIA) conducted on respondents within a 1000 meter radius from the blast point revealed that 17% always experienced noise related ailments, while 33% occasionally experienced the ailments. Finally, 50% of respondents rarely experienced these conditions. Correlation coefficient between the field exploratory blast and social survey on noise related effects is 0.82. This, indicates a strong relationship between blast noise levels and impact on residents within the study area.

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