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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 20-26

Conservation Status of Dilifekar Block, Arsi Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

Getachew Bantihun,Shimekit Tadele*,Abebe Ameha Mengistu

1.Adama Science and Technology University, School of Applied Natural Sciences, Department of Applied Biology, Adama, Ethiopia.

Citation :Getachew Bantihun,Shimekit Tadele,Abebe Ameha Mengistu, Conservation Status of Dilifekar Block, Arsi Mountains National Park, Ethiopia International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2018,4(1) : 20-26.


This study was conducted at Dilifekar Block, Arsi Mountains National Park focuses on the contribution and the perception of the local communities towards the conservation efforts and its sustainable values. The data in the current study were collected through focus group discussion. From focus group discussion of 42 local inhabitants, 47.6% responded mammals, among the vertebrate groups, are highly vulnerable to the death on the road with cars. 73.8% of the respondents agreed that the conservation of the Block is important and beneficiary. From the assessment of the office of the Block management body and from the observation of the Block arena, it was possible to know that the office is trying to improve the conservation activities from time to time and trying to safeguard the wildlife by fencing. But the level of awareness creation of the local community is still very important assignment for the management body of the Block.

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