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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 35-40

Fruit Wastes Hydrolysates as Feedstock: Pre-Treatment Strategies for Cost-Saving and Sustainable Microalgae Cultivation

Bikash Limbu and Sibi G

Department of Biotechnology, Indian Academy Degree College-Autonomous, Bengaluru, India

Citation :Bikash Limbu and Sibi G, Fruit Wastes Hydrolysates as Feedstock: Pre-Treatment Strategies for Cost-Saving and Sustainable Microalgae Cultivation International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2017,3(2) : 35-40


The aim of this study is to maximize the biomass and lipid accumulation in microalgae by using various hydrolysates of fruit wastes as growth medium. Chlorella vulgaris was cultivated in fruit hydrolysates medium pre-treated by enzymatic, aqueous and acid hydrolysis. The potential of carbohydrate and nutrient rich fruit waste for biomass and biofuel production by microalgae was investigated based on the hydrolysis approach. Hydrolyzed fruit wastes from three different pre-treatment methods were compared for microalgae cultivation for growth and lipid production. The results clearly showed that fruit waste hydrolysates pretreated with enzymes was more suitable than acid and aqueous hydrolysates and could be able to increase growth and lipid accumulation in microalgae.

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