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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 20-25

An Investigation of Groundwater Monitoring in Zimba District. Towards Sustainable Rural Groundwater Development and Management

Innocent C. Chomba

Ministry of Energy and Water Development, Zimba District

Citation :Innocent C. Chomba, An Investigation of Groundwater Monitoring in Zimba District. Towards Sustainable Rural Groundwater Development and Management International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2017,3(1) : 20-25


Groundwater supplies over 70% of Africa's water supply systems; both economic development and poverty reduction imperatives drive the development of groundwater resources across Africa (Adelana & MacDonald, 2008). The demand for water in Zimba district has increased proportional to population growth and increased economic activities from the time it was declared a district in 2012. The aim of this study was to find out the number of existing groundwater monitoring boreholes and the type of data been collected in those monitoring points in Zimba District from 2013 to 2016. The results of this study revealed that Zimba district with an area of 5,245.01 Km2 in size has only one groundwater observation borehole that was drilled in 2012 and all the streams in the district are non perennial. The study also revealed that the data that is been collected for groundwater monitoring on the existing observation borehole is only limited to groundwater level. Additionally, water quality measurement is not been done at this observation borehole. It is concluded that for a sustainable underground water development to take place, there is need to identify and establish more groundwater monitoring points in the district in order to achieve sustainable groundwater development for rural communities.

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