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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 2, Issue 4, 2016, Page No: 56-59

Food and Feeding Habits of Catfish Clarias Batrachus (Linn) in Bhadravathi Area, Karnataka

I.Ramesh1, B. R. Kiran2

1.Department of Zoology, Government Science College, Chitradurga, Karnataka.
2.Research & Teaching Assistant in Environmental Science, DDE, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Karnataka.

Citation : I.Ramesh, B. R. Kiran, Food and Feeding Habits of Catfish Clarias Batrachus (Linn) in Bhadravathi Area, Karnataka International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2016, 2(4) : 56-59


The pattern of food and feeding habits of cat fish, Clarias batrachus were studied during the period January to June 2009. Fish species were procured from fishermen every month using gill nets and cast nets of various sizes. A total of 30 specimens were examined. The food analysis of Clarias batrachus revealed that the food consisted of zooplankton, insect larvae, fish larvae, small shrimps and organic debris. Fish larvae and insect larvae were preferred as the major food item in all the months. On average for all months of the study period, insect larvae dominated the list with 31.08%.The other food items in the descending order are fish larvae (25.61%), worms (19.78%), small shrimps (17.0%), organic debris (4.48%) and zooplankton (2.03%). The feeding intensity is poorer from pre-spawning and spawning period but remarkably higher from postspawning period. The type of food items recorded from the guts indicated that the fish is a column to bottom feeder almost of the food items were bottom dwelling organisms and is predominantly a carnivorous fish.

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