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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2016, Page No: 19-28

Forest Ecosystem as a Source of Energy - Biomass Potential of St. Petersburg Region, Russia

Anatoliy Vasil'evich Griazkin1*,Natalia Valer'evna Beliaeva1, Nikolay Vladimirovich Kovalev1

1.St.Petersburg State Forest Technical University, Russia.

Citation : Anatoliy Vasil'evich Griazkin,, Forest Ecosystem as a Source of Energy - Biomass Potential of St. Petersburg Region, Russia International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2016, 2(1) : 19-28


Forest ecosystems is an important energy reserve, which accumulates a wealth of alternative fuel. An important feature of this resource - the ability to recover. This paper is dedicated to the study of these features. This paper reviews the data on dry organic biomass from forest throughout the St. Petersburg region and similar locations in the administrative regions surrounding the St. Petersburg region. Such conifer species as Pinus sylvestris L. (pine) and Pice abies (L.) Karst. (spruce) dominated here.

The investigations were performed in permanent plots in different forest type with stand age more than 90. Under such conditions of forest ecosystems part of carbon in mass of dry wood is 50%, that is 1:2 (Kobak, 1988; Treyfeld et al., 2003). Potential maximum C stores in forest ecosystems are an important constraint on predictions of the amount of C that can be added to existing C stores. Globally, forest ecosystems offer significant potential to sequester atmospheric C at modest social costs and a wide array of management measures in land-use and forestry have been evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, however several issues concerning C sequestration in forest ecosystems remain unresolved.

Forest type plays a major role in controlling productivity of forest ecosystems. The authors summarized the data on the identification of common stock of phytomass and carbon in a particular region of Russian Federation (Leningrad region).This article also shows how the ratio of individual biomass components (needles, branches, stems, understory, undergrowth, live ground cover, roots) of the forest ecosystem varied in different forest types. Our reconstruction of maximum potential biomass store applies only to lands currently under forest cover.

If you study the impact of agriculture to the environment in Russia, you cant ignore the forestry. These industries are very close to our environmental conditions. In the future, forest, as a kind of energy resource will take a more important position than now.

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