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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 36-41

Negative Changes on Culture and Livelihoods of Xinh Mun Ethnic Group (Case Study in Chieng so Commune, Dien Bien Dong District, Dien Bien Province, Vietnam)

Duong Van Son

Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF), Thai Nguyen pprovince, Vietnam.

Citation : Duong Van Son, Negative Changes on Culture and Livelihoods of Xinh Mun Ethnic Group (Case Study in Chieng so Commune, Dien Bien Dong District, Dien Bien Province, Vietnam) International Journal of Political Science 2018 , 4(3) : 36-41


In the process of global integration and and market economy, currently cultures and livelihoods of the Xinh Mun, a minority ethnic group living at the Chieng So commune (Dien Bien Dong district, Dien Bien province) have been changing in negative dimension such as high illiteracy rate (57.95%), high poverty (68.18%), low income (2.81 million VND or 126 USD per person per year), high disparity between the rich and the poor of the Xinh Mun community (7.94 times), narrow living, resident and cultural space,... Their agricultural livelihoods are considered as unsustainable and could not satisfy the food demand of the community. It has tendency to depend on external factors not only are input materials, science and techonology but also consumption markets. Habitat loss, material and cultural life of the Xinh Mun ethnic group is going to be at the red line and there is a need to have urgent interventions or projects for making a positive change, ensuring material and cultural life of mentioned Xinh Mun ethnic group.

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