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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 27-40

'Danaides Myth' in Greek Political and Strategic Culture after the Coup and the State Regime (Metapolitefsi) (1974)

Nicolas Papanastasopoulos

Postdoctoral Fellow, Panteion University, Athens, Greece.

Citation : Nicolas Papanastasopoulos, 'Danaides Myth' in Greek Political and Strategic Culture after the Coup and the State Regime (Metapolitefsi) (1974) International Journal of Political Science 2018 , 4(2) : 27-40


This article detects the relationship between the political and strategic culture through the case study of the example of the Greek state after the coup and the state regime in 1974. In other words, it focuses on the historical course of the Greek state and on those components that formed its political culture in interaction with the corresponding strategy. Emphasis is placed on Greeceafter the coup and the state regime in 1974, which demonstrates the dimension of Danaides Myth that governs their dialectical relationship.

As long as the political culture is atrocious, it will expose itself to the level of the strategy with negative results in the fields of operation of the political system, in particular the foreign and defense policy. The change or refinement of the Greek political culture is a sine qua non condition for the advancement of the strategic culture as a strategic doctrine that links the Greek state with its survival against the challenges it faces.

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