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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 15-27

Reflections on Access to Internet in Cuba as a Human Right

Raudiel F. Pena Barrios

Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Havana,Cuba.

Citation : Raudiel F. Pena Barrios, " Reflections on Access to Internet in Cuba as a Human Right", International Journal of Political Science ,2017;3(4):15-27.


This article intends to offer some considerations about the access to internet as a human right; Taking as its starting point the analysis of the criteria that the legal doctrine has issued in this regard. In this sense, it will delve into its content and scope; As well as the utility of recognizing and protecting legally the same given the current development of information technologies. Together, we will address the current situation of Cuba on this issue; placing special emphasis on the political and legal issues facing the country, and the constitutional foundations that, in our view, support the need to recognize the right to the internet. Finally, we will present some concrete proposals to solve those problems, under the maxim of considering that the widest possible use of the network by individuals is a crucial element for the democratization of contemporary societies.

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