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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 1-9

Revisiting the Idea of Multiculturalism in India: Accommodating Muslims' Religious Identity in Public Sphere

Vikram Gautam

Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi

Citation :Vikram Gautam, Revisiting the Idea of Multiculturalism in India: Accommodating Muslims' Religious Identity in Public Sphere International Journal of Political Science ,2017;3(1):1-9.


India is among the most diverse societies in the world. Various religions, cultures, faiths, languages and social milieu of India reflect a very fine aspect of Indian multiculturalism. The Indian multiculturalism is not defined by any particular, community, religion or region rather it is a matrix of different values, traditions, customs and languages of its heterogeneous cultures, religions, sects etc. As a liberal democracy it provides recognition to its vast diverse ethnic and religious groups with group-differentiated rights. For the Muslim community in India, both recognition and equal opportunity within the public sphere are keenly desired notions that tend to mobilise them politically and religiously. This paper explores the salience of Indian multiculturalism and issues of marginalisation of the Muslim minority in liberal democratic polity. The objective of this study is to reflect upon the issues of representation of the Muslims in public sphere in India. This paper will examine the factors which help or hinder in shaping the attitude and participation of the Muslim minority in public sphere in India.

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