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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 78-81

The Effect of Cyclohexanol in Extraction Processes in the Production of Mineral Oils

Grushova E.I.1,Al-Razoqi A.A.2,Alrashedi A.R3

1.D.Sc (Engineering), Professor, Department of Oil and Gas Processing and Petroleum Chemistry Belarusian State Technological University Republic of Belarus.
2.PhD student, Department of Oil and Gas Processing and Petroleum Chemistry Belarusian State Technological University Republic of Belarus.

Citation :Grushova E.I.,Al-Razoqi A.A.,Alrashedi A.R, The Effect of Cyclohexanol in Extraction Processes in the Production of Mineral Oils International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering 2017,3(4) : 78-81


The effect of cyclohexanol on extractive processes in the composition of industrial solvents used for the purification of petroleum oil fractions was studied. It was found that cyclohexanol allows intensifying the purification of oils from unwanted components by N-methylpyrrolidone: the index of viscosity of raffinate is increased; the content of aromatic structures in the extract is increased.

The addition of cyclohexanol to the solvent of low-temperature crystallization allows to reduce losses of oil with slacks and to improve the quality of the raw material for the production of paraffin. The use of cyclohexanol in the extraction process does not require changes in industrial technology.

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