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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 111-117

The Impact of Chemical Composition on the Qualitative Indicators of Oil Mixtures


1.Assistant professor (PhD), a candidate of chemistry sciences of "Chemistry and inorganic substances technology" department, Azadlig avenue 20, Az 1010, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.
2.Doctor of Technical Sciences, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Professor of (Oil and gas transportation and storage) Department, 225, D. Alieva ave., Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.
3.Doctorant of "Storage of oil-gas transportation" department of Azerbaijan Oil and Industry University.

Citation :M.B.Adigozalova,G.G.Ismayilov,R.L.Zeynalov, The Impact of Chemical Composition on the Qualitative Indicators of Oil Mixtures International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering 2017,3(4) : 111-117


In the paper, qualitative indicators, the changes in rheological properties of different types of oils and their mixtures have been investigated on the base of laboratory tests. Depending on the type and mass fraction of mixed products, additive changes in the properties for most mixtures, the existence of positive and negative synergism in them have been discovered. In order to prevent the complications associated with the mixing of oils, initially, the necessity of their extensive investigation in laboratory conditions has been shown. One of the main reasons of anomaly that occurs is the chemical composition of the mixed oils (asphalt,paraffin and amount of resin compounds).

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