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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 16-22

Modeling the Effects of Temperature on Oil Base Mud Viscosity Using Polynomial equation

Igwilo K.C.1,Ikoro Godspower2,Okoli Nnanna3, Osueke G.O.4,Odo Jude5,Anawe P.A.L.6

1.Federal University of Owerri, Nigeria.
2.Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria

Copyright :Igwilo K.C.,, Modeling the Effects of Temperature on Oil Base Mud Viscosity Using Polynomial equation International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering


This technical paper modeled and evaluates the effects of temperature on Oil Base Mud viscosity using Polynomial Equation. The Oil Base Mud was formulated and the laboratory measurements on rheology were carried out as per API standard. The plastic viscosity and yield point were modeled using Least square and Gaussian elimination methods. The proposed plastic viscosity and yield point models were also validated using linear plots and excel spreed sheat. The results of regression coefficients of 99.70% and 99.71% were obtained from modeled plastic viscosity and yield point polynomial equations respectively. 99.11% and 99.01% were got from plastic viscosity and yield point from validated linear plots, while 99.17% and 99.11% regression coefficients were obtained from excel spreed sheet model adequacy of plastic viscosity and yield point. Although, the results were close but the proposed models gave the best results when compared with the linear plots and excel spreed sheet results.

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