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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 40-45

An Investigation into the Precipitation of Asphaltene from Maltenes Using Binary Mixtures of N-Paraffin

Utin Mfon Clement, Ofodile S.E, Osuji L.C

Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry,University of Port Harcourt, Choba Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Copyright :Utin Mfon Clement, Ofodile S.E, Osuji L.C, An Investigation into the Precipitation of Asphaltene from Maltenes Using Binary Mixtures of N-Paraffin International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering


This work investigates the precipitation of asphaltene from maltenes using single and binary mixtures of n-alkanes. The maltenes was obtained by the precipitation from crude oil using n-alkanes (nC5- nC7). These were deasphalted with a lower carbon number solvent (nC5). The result shows the co-precipitation of the asphaltene are saturates, aromatics and resins. The result obtained generally shows that the asphaltene precipitation from maltenes increased as the n-alkane carbon number of the original precipitating solvent increased.

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