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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 27-32

Numerical Investigation on Transversely Liquid Jet in Air Flow

Bahram Jalili1,Fathollah ommi2,Salman Nourazar3

1.Department of Mechanical engineering, Tarbait Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2.Department of Mechanical engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Citation :Bahram Jalili,Fathollah ommi,Salman Nourazar, Numerical Investigation on Transversely Liquid Jet in Air Flow International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering 2017,3(4) : 27-32


Cross-flow injection of liquid jet into gaseous flowis considered as a practical method for fuel injection, because of its high evaporation rate and proper atomization. The suitable fuel-to-air ratio could be achieved by tolerating the momentum ratio, injection angle, and, also using kinds of swirl injector. By considering the characteristics mentioned above, one could consider this flow as a proper way to achieve the ideal mixture of air and fuel. Designing with respect to injection data, could result to decrease in pollutants, increased efficiency, and decreased fuel consumption. In this paper, the effects of different geometries on trajectory line and break-up point are studied numerically, using a high fidelity CFD method. Results show that despite the circular nuzzle, that the break-up point could be considered almost constant along the wind direction, by changing the nuzzle geometry, the break-up point moves along both cross-wind and along-wind directions. The results obtained by numerical method are in good agreement with previously published experimental and numerical data.

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