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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Mining Science
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 1-9

Experimental Study on the Force-Electric Coupling Characteristics of Coal Gangue during Uniaxial Compaction

Zequan He*, Zhongwei Wang and Zhiwen Guo

State Key Laboratory for Geo-mechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221008, China.

Citation : Zequan He*, Zhongwei Wang and Zhiwen Guo, Experimental Study on the Force-Electric Coupling Characteristics of Coal Gangue during Uniaxial CompactionInternational Journal of Mining Science 2018, 4(4) : 1-9.


The dynamic changes of stress-strain-resistivity of bulk materials under uniaxial compression have good synchronization. In this paper, a two-phase electrode method is proposed to measure the resistivity of gangue under uniaxial compression. The resistivity change characteristics of solid backfill gangue compaction process under different proportioning conditions are studied. The results show that the resistivity decreases abruptly in the initial compaction stage, in the later stage of fracture and compaction and the stable stage of compaction, with the increase of compressive stress, the resistivity changes slightly and tends to be stable. In the initial stage of compaction, the resistivity of gangue samples with different proportions tends to decrease with the increase of proportions due to the material itself. In the later stage of stability, with the increase of the compression degree of the gangue sample, the imagination that the resistivity of the gangue increases with the increase of the proportion of the gangue is created. The above conclusions prove that it is feasible to study the mechanical properties of coal gangue bulk materials in compaction deformation by using resistivity characteristics, it also enriches the evaluation index of solid backfill effect of coal gangue.

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