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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Mining Science
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 31-39

Mapping Geological Structures Controlling Mineralization in Enyigba Area, South Eastern Nigeria, using Magnetic Inversion Technique

Ema M. Abraham*, Daniel A. Mbarah, Ndidiamaka N. Eluwa

Department of Physics/Geology/Geophysics, Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo, P.M.B. 1010 Abakaliki,Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Citation : Ema M. Abraham*, Daniel A. Mbarah, Ndidiamaka N. Eluwa, Mapping Geological Structures Controlling Mineralization in Enyigba Area, South Eastern Nigeria, using Magnetic Inversion Technique International Journal of Mining Science 2018, 4(3) : 31-39.


Magnetic Inversion (MI) and Analytic Signal techniques were applied to map geological structures controlling mineralisation in Enyigba area of Ebonyi State. Forward modelling technique was employed in the quantitative interpretations to determine magnetic susceptibilities and type of mineralisation prevalent in the study region. High resolution aeromagnetic data acquired from Nigerian Geological Survey Agency was used in this study. The Analytic Signal technique was applied to independently verify results obtained from the MI modeling. 3D inversions results have revealed the existence of subsurface intrusions within the Enyigba region when contrasted with the background geology of shale. Geologically the shale is generally weathered, fissile, thinly laminated and highly fractured, varies between greyish brown to dark grey in colour and holds a general magnetic property. Analytic Signal result effectively confirms results from MI by retracing the regions of the intrusions. These mapped intrusive were interpreted as representative of the various mineral deposits in the region, some of which were identified as Lead-Zinc mineralization currently being mined in the region. Other intrusive within the coverage area could point to extended possibilities of other mineral forms yet to be mined. This study has provided additional insights to locations of mineral intrusions yet to be identified by local miners in the region. Sites with higher yield potentials have also been identified for further investigations using other geological/geophysical techniques. The outcome would aid efficient mineral mining in the region.

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