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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2019, Page No: 17-21

Proximate Analysis and GC - MS Analysis of Essential Oil Leaf Extracts of Mistletoe Plant

Tabe . N. N1, Ushie.OA2* Jones. B. B1, Ojeka .C1

1.Department of Chemical Science, Cross River University of Technology Calabar, Nigeria.
2.Department of Chemical Science, Federal University Wukari Nigeria.

Citation : Ushie.OA,,Proximate Analysis and GC - MS Analysis of Essential Oil Leaf Extracts of Mistletoe Plant International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products 2019 ,5(3) : 17-21.


Routine chemical analysis of plants can be used to predict the nutritive, phytochemical (therapeutic properties) and essential oil content. Mistletoe plant is a hemi-parasitic plant that grows on trees such as cocoa, mango, guava, kola nut trees and many more is known scientifically for its nutritive content such as carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, energy value, and ash (Tabe et al., 2018). These nutritive contents contributes remarkably in animals and human health. Mistletoe leaves have been known for its use in the treatment of some ailments including hypertension, epilepsy, infertility, arthritis, cancer and diabetes or used as a diuretic agent (Simeon, Illoh & Imoh (2013).

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