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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products
Volume-1 Issue-2, 2015, Page No:8-10

Conceptual Review of Iron in Ayurveda

Kapila Amit1, Saroch Vikas2, Johar Smita3

1.PG Scholar, Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
2.Principal PG School of Ayurveda and Research, Mandigobindgarh

Citation : Kapila Amit,Saroch Vikas, Johar Smita, Conceptual Review of Iron in Ayurveda International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products. 2015;1(2):8-10.


Iron used as medicine from the Vedic period. Blood itself is described as Lauha Gandhi (Iron odor). Mineral resources are one of the natural resource used in Ayurvedic preparations from the time of Charaka. Iron is treated in cow’s urine and extensively used therapeutically as Ayaskruti or as Lauha rasayana before the evolution of Rasashastra as Ayaskruti. Iron bhasma is a later development of drug delivery system. The iron containing mineral are used internally from 2nd century and it is evident from the preparation of Navayasa Lauha and Lauha Rasayana in Charaka Samhita. The external uses of iron are also found in oil preparation (Taila Kalpana) and Varti preparations.

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